Is an Toy/Mini/Standard Aussie Right for YOU ?

Brief Overview of the Breed:

Australian Shepherds have it ALL; Aussies have Intelligence, Athleticism, Good Looks (Color Variations for Coat & Eye Color), Incredible Personalities, Varying Energy Levels && OVERALL, are a Great breed for the WHOLE family!

There are Calm Ones, Energetic Ones, Blue Ones, Red Ones, Black Ones, Little Ones, Medium Ones, Big Ones, Fluffy Ones (Show Coats), Not So Fluffy Ones (Working Coats), etc. We believe this is the best breed because the Variety is so vast that its Almost impossible to not find what you are looking for!

Despite being an Amazing breed it is still best to LEARN about the breed & be Positive an Australian Shepherd is Right for You!

Example; Many, if not all, Australian Shepherds are Naturally Apprehensive towards Strange People and/or Strange Animals, they Instinctively want to Protect their Herd/Family -- it is what they are Bred to do. For Many Aussies Trust Must be Earned by Strange People/Animals.

The Mini/Toy Australian Shepherd is just like the standard size of this breed but in an adorable, more Compact package.

Mini & Toy Aussies are extremely smart & love the opportunity to be a Working part of the household. They can be trained to do many tasks, such as being a running or hiking companion, helping with laundry, cleaning up toys, opening doors, turning on/off lights, doing yoga with you, being emotional support dogs & so much MORE!

They are high-spirited, strong, determined dogs with average exercise requirements. They are eager and often tenacious players of more intensive activities, like jogging or hiking.

Overall, these dogs can adapt pretty well to living in small dwellings (like a trailer or an apartment) as long as their exercise needs are met both PHYSICALLY and MENTALLY (ex. Daily walk/jog, Plus mind stimulation through tasks or games).

**Keep in mind, that Boredom is the MAIN reason for Several unwanted behavioral patterns (ex. destructiveness, hyperactivity, unreasonable barking).​ So, getting a dog that has a Higher Drive than You & Your Family can Maintain WILL lead to Issues. -- Fear & Insecurity can, also, lead to unwanted behavioral patterns.

(L.L.A's View on Canine Love Languages!:

That being said, as You look for a puppy/dog I Strongly Recommend asking every breeder About Each Puppy’s ENERGY Level, DRIVE LEVELS (Prey, Pack, Fight & Flight) and their TEMPERAMENT (“personality”) because Overall, Personality, Energy Levels & Drives will impact your Life more than the way they look.

You grow to love any of them (usually before you even get them lol) but when their Personality & their Energy Level Matches yours & your family’s it is just Perfect!! 🥰

I personally wish the breeders I spoke with, when I first started, Guided me a bit as far as Each Puppy’s Energy Level, Personality & Drives when I was looking, because I would have have chosen differently for MY family & Our LIFESTYLE.

It makes it hard when you aren’t as active as your dog wants to be Or when you are More active than your dog wants to be.

...Again, Boredom Easily occurs in Higher Drive & Higher Energy dogs who are Not being Stimulated Mentally & Physically to the Extent they Need & it is the Main reason for destructive & unwanted behavior.

We don’t want you to feel like we are telling you to disregard what you are looking for; we just want to make sure your lifestyle & dog You Choose are Compatible!..

...& We want you to find Exactly what You are Looking for & More! We want You to AVOID what we went through. Read About Us!

IF an Aussie IS the Right Fit for YOU & Your Family...

We believe Your family would get an excellent Experience & Puppy (or adult dog) by choosing Lucky Little Aussies LLC as Your New Pet's Breeder.

We follow a strict code of ethics & stand behind Our dogs & program 100%. We use the standards set for the breed (Drive, Temperament, Intelligence, Genetics & Colors) as strong guidelines & new Research & Genetic discoveries to expand and improve the breed.

We strive to Exceed the standards set for the breed through our breeding program.

We here @Lucky Little Aussies (aka L.L.A) STRIVE to go ABOVE & BEYOND the Basics of Breeding, Health Testing, Socializing, etc.

We Actively look for ways to improve and believe in providing our dogs, puppies and customers with our Absolute Best!

ALL Dogs (Purebred or Not) are Prone to Specific Inheritable Diseases. Research and History of Breeds has been Beneficial in creating "BREED Specific Health Tests" Required or Expected for Each Breed based on what they are most likely to Genetically Inherit.

Listed on our Genetics Page are Credible Resources on what is Required or Expected to be an "Excellent Breeder".

For Every Adult Dog Lucky Little Aussies AIMS to do:


OFA Hips, Elbows & Patellas

Full Panel Testing for at Least NINE Different Diseases

(INCLUDING the few tests AKC & OFA require)

& Thorough Veterinarian Exams.

BEFORE allowing our dogs to participate in our breeding program L.L.A Closely Monitors & Evaluates:





& More

PLUS, we Microchip ALL of our Adults and Puppies for Permanent Identification.

We are so Confident that we are breeding healthy, genetically excellent fur-babies that we offer a LIFETIME Genetic Guarantee*

AND a Congenital Defects/Impairments Guarantee*, with Specifications & Exceptions on our GENETICS PAGE & IN OUR CONTRACT.

Our Genetics Page explains further about our guarantee & how ALL of Our Adult Dogs are Full Panel Tested for at Least 9 Different Diseases & the Results are Publicly Posted to Dropbox.

Genetic Results of the Parents of Individual Puppies are, also, Provided to Each Customer & Disclosed IN EVERY CONTRACT UPON PURCHASE.

(Please, refer to our GENETIC TESTING PAGE & OUR AUSSIES PAGE for More Information).

We do NOT remove Dew Claws!

“During canter/turning, dew claws dig into the ground to keep the carpus from turning. It IS a functioning digit & they can use it as such. “200-1” are the odds/Chances of Injury (low injury issue).”

“Very helpful in icy weather. When dew claws are removed, the tendons/ligs are modified & it takes away strength from the dog. In most cases, if you keep the nail trimmed it really doesn't pose as a risk of catching on things - certainly things can happen but the risk is not as high as it's made out to be.”

Dew Claw functionality:

We do NOT dock Tails!

We do Not feel comfortable with Altering Animals' Bodies & Removing Essential Body Parts (their TAIL) that aids in Balance, Socialization/Communication, Swimming Aide & other aspects of their lives.

“The essential question is not “How harmful is the procedure?”, but rather, “Is there sufficient justification for performing it?”

Performing a surgical procedure for cosmetic purposes (i.e., for the sake of appearance) implies the procedure is not medically indicated.

Because dogs have not been shown to derive self-esteem or pride in appearance from having their tails docked (common reasons for performing cosmetic procedures on people), there is no obvious benefit to our patients in performing this procedure.

The only benefit that appears to be derived from cosmetic tail docking of dogs is the owner’s impression of a pleasing appearance.

In the opinion of the AVMA, Owner's Cosmetic Preferences are insufficient justification for performing a surgical procedure” (AVMA).

Also, the Breed Standard per the ASDR website ALLOWS the natural, long tails (undocked) due to docking being illegal outside of the U.S & because they recognize personal preference.

The AVMA provides AMPLE References in Each link & we Encourage people to visit those references & research on their own 💕

* Please see attached website for a description of the breed standard from the Official American Stock Dog Registry Website:

Is an Toy/Mini/Standard Aussie Right for YOU ?

Brief Overview of the Breed:

Australian Shepherds have it ALL; Aussies have Intelligence, Athleticism, Good Looks (Color Variations for Coat & Eye Color), Incredible Personalities, Varying Energy Levels && OVERALL, are a Great breed for the WHOLE family!

There are Calm Ones, Energetic Ones, Blue Ones, Red Ones, Black Ones, Little Ones, Medium Ones, Big Ones, Fluffy Ones (Show Coats), Not So Fluffy Ones (Working Coats), etc. We believe this is the best breed because the Variety is so vast that its Almost impossible to not find what you are looking for!

Despite being an Amazing breed it is still best to LEARN about the breed & be Positive an Australian Shepherd is Right for You!

Example; Many, if not all, Australian Shepherds are Naturally Apprehensive towards Strange People and/or Strange Animals, they Instinctively want to Protect their Herd/Family -- it is what they are Bred to do. For Many Aussies Trust Must be Earned by Strange People/Animals.

The Mini/Toy Australian Shepherd is just like the standard size of this breed but in an adorable, more Compact package.

Mini & Toy Aussies are extremely smart & love the opportunity to be a Working part of the household. They can be trained to do many tasks, such as being a running or hiking companion, helping with laundry, cleaning up toys, opening doors, turning on/off lights, doing yoga with you, being emotional support dogs & so much MORE!

They are high-spirited, strong, determined dogs with average exercise requirements. They are eager and often tenacious players of more intensive activities, like jogging or hiking.

Overall, these dogs can adapt pretty well to living in small dwellings (like a trailer or an apartment) as long as their exercise needs are met both PHYSICALLY and MENTALLY (ex. Daily walk/jog, Plus mind stimulation through tasks or games).

**Keep in mind, that Boredom is the MAIN reason for Several unwanted behavioral patterns (ex. destructiveness, hyperactivity, unreasonable barking).​ So, getting a dog that has a Higher Drive than You & Your Family can Maintain WILL lead to Issues. -- Fear & Insecurity can, also, lead to unwanted behavioral patterns.

(L.L.A's View on Canine Love Languages!:

That being said, as You look for a puppy/dog I Strongly Recommend asking every breeder About Each Puppy’s ENERGY Level, DRIVE LEVELS (Prey, Pack, Fight & Flight) and their TEMPERAMENT (“personality”) because Overall, Personality, Energy Levels & Drives will impact your Life more than the way they look.

You grow to love any of them (usually before you even get them lol) but when their Personality & their Energy Level Matches yours & your family’s it is just Perfect!! 🥰

I personally wish the breeders I spoke with, when I first started, Guided me a bit as far as Each Puppy’s Energy Level, Personality & Drives when I was looking, because I would have have chosen differently for MY family & Our LIFESTYLE.

It makes it hard when you aren’t as active as your dog wants to be Or when you are More active than your dog wants to be.

...Again, Boredom Easily occurs in Higher Drive & Higher Energy dogs who are Not being Stimulated Mentally & Physically to the Extent they Need & it is the Main reason for destructive & unwanted behavior.

We don’t want you to feel like we are telling you to disregard what you are looking for; we just want to make sure your lifestyle & dog You Choose are Compatible!..

...& We want you to find Exactly what You are Looking for & More! We want You to AVOID what we went through. Read About Us!

IF an Aussie IS the Right Fit for YOU & Your Family...

We believe Your family would get an excellent Experience & Puppy (or adult dog) by choosing Lucky Little Aussies LLC as Your New Pet's Breeder.

We follow a strict code of ethics & stand behind Our dogs & program 100%. We use the standards set for the breed (Drive, Temperament, Intelligence, Genetics & Colors) as strong guidelines & new Research & Genetic discoveries to expand and improve the breed.

We strive to Exceed the standards set for the breed through our breeding program.

We here @Lucky Little Aussies (aka L.L.A) STRIVE to go ABOVE & BEYOND the Basics of Breeding, Health Testing, Socializing, etc.

We Actively look for ways to improve and believe in providing our dogs, puppies and customers with our Absolute Best!

ALL Dogs (Purebred or Not) are Prone to Specific Inheritable Diseases. Research and History of Breeds has been Beneficial in creating "BREED Specific Health Tests" Required or Expected for Each Breed based on what they are most likely to Genetically Inherit.

Listed on our Genetics Page are Credible Resources on what is Required or Expected to be an "Excellent Breeder".

For Every Adult Dog Lucky Little Aussies AIMS to:


OFA Hips, Elbows & Patellas

Full Panel Testing for at Least NINE Different Diseases

(INCLUDING the few tests AKC & OFA require)

& Thorough Veterinarian Exams.

BEFORE allowing our dogs to participate in our breeding program L.L.A Closely Monitors & Evaluates:





& More

PLUS, we Microchip ALL of our Adults and Puppies for Permanent Identification.

We are so Confident that we are breeding healthy, genetically excellent fur-babies that we offer a LIFETIME Genetic Guarantee*

AND a Congenital Defects/Impairments Guarantee*, with Specifications & Exceptions on our GENETICS PAGE & IN OUR CONTRACT.

Our Genetics Page explains further about our guarantee & how ALL of Our Adult Dogs are Full Panel Tested for at Least 9 Different Diseases & the Results are Publicly Posted to Dropbox.

Genetic Results of the Parents of Individual Puppies are, also, Provided to Each Customer & Disclosed IN EVERY CONTRACT UPON PURCHASE.

(Please, refer to our GENETIC TESTING PAGE & OUR AUSSIES PAGE for More Information).

We do NOT remove Dew Claws!

“During canter/turning, dew claws dig into the ground to keep the carpus from turning. It IS a functioning digit & they can use it as such. “200-1” are the odds/Chances of Injury (low injury issue).”

“Very helpful in icy weather. When dew claws are removed, the tendons/ligs are modified & it takes away strength from the dog. In most cases, if you keep the nail trimmed it really doesn't pose as a risk of catching on things - certainly things can happen but the risk is not as high as it's made out to be.”

Dew Claw functionality:

We do NOT dock Tails!

We do Not feel comfortable with Altering Animals' Bodies & Removing Essential Body Parts (their TAIL) that aids in Balance, Socialization/Communication, Swimming Aide & other aspects of their lives.

“The essential question is not “How harmful is the procedure?”, but rather, “Is there sufficient justification for performing it?”

Performing a surgical procedure for cosmetic purposes (i.e., for the sake of appearance) implies the procedure is not medically indicated.

Because dogs have not been shown to derive self-esteem or pride in appearance from having their tails docked (common reasons for performing cosmetic procedures on people), there is no obvious benefit to our patients in performing this procedure.

The only benefit that appears to be derived from cosmetic tail docking of dogs is the owner’s impression of a pleasing appearance.

In the opinion of the AVMA, Owner's Cosmetic Preferences are insufficient justification for performing a surgical procedure” (AVMA).

Also, the Breed Standard per the ASDR website ALLOWS the natural, long tails (undocked) due to docking being illegal outside of the U.S & because they recognize personal preference.

The AVMA provides AMPLE References in Each link & we Encourage people to visit those references & research on their own 💕

* Please see attached website for a description of the breed standard from the Official American Stock Dog Registry Website:

How Do We Determine Our Prices?

How Do We Determine Our Prices?

We try to keep our prices as low as possible given all the costs and work that goes into our puppies and our dogs.

Our Pricing accounts for:

Food, Puppy Formula, Vitamins, pH Balanced Shampoo, Veterinarian Costs, Dewormers, Vaccines, Multiple Cubes of Shavings/Litter for Training (per Litter), Multiple Bottles of Bleach & Chlorhexidine Cleaners for proper cleaning (per Litter), Puppy Go-Home Toys & Toys Per Litter, Lupine Leash/Collar Set, Puppy Microchip (Free Lifetime Registration), Puppy Training Course, Go-Home Pack (Training E-Books & More), Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS), Extensive Socialization, Volhard Puppy Aptitude Testing, All the Genetic Testing for Each Parent, Exams & Fees for Each Parent, Our Time (40-80 Hours EVERY WEEK for EIGHT WEEKS) & MORE.

I, also, would like to point out, many cheaper puppies are not guaranteed, may have costly medical issues throughout life, may have serious or life threatening genetic diseases, may not have an ideal drive &/or temperament (some people breed aggressive dogs and that cannot be seen in puppies right away), improper conformation (leading to other issues like hip dysplasia) & much more wrong with them because of improper breeding. 😔

L.L.A breeds quality pups that have generations of proper conformation, good mental health & properly paired ancestry (as well as properly paired now) based on Genetics, Energy, Drive Levels, Temperament, Colors & More.

L.L.A does our Best to ensure Puppies are Not adopted with serious medical issues (any genetic issues/diseases or birth defects),

and Our pups are fully vetted.

IF an issue Ever arises that is from Genetics or is Congenital we stand behind Our Puppies & Program 100% and are Always Fair. 🥰

We Warranty for LIFE* that Every Puppy Will be CLEAR of Everything Their PARENTS are CLEAR of!

All L.L.A Puppies are Properly Socialized & Matched with their New Families based on Temperament, Energy Level, Volhard Aptitude Scores, Desired Color & More 🥰😊

We, also, offer our Puppy Buyers Lifetime Breeder Support & Customer Service!

*Please See the Puppy Contract for more details 💕😊*

We (Lucky Little Aussies) are Confident in the Energy Level Assessment, Drive Levels Assessment & Personality Assessment of Our Puppies.

We (Lucky Little Aussies) are Confident in:

the Energy Level Assessment, Drive Levels Assessment & Personality Assessment of Our Puppies.

Here is L.L.A's Daily Energy Log Breakdown to help customers Evaluate Energy Level Assessments:

LOW Energy - 10-20% Active & 80-90% Relaxed/Observant

LOW-MEDIUM Energy - 30-40% Active & 60-70% Relaxed/Observant

MEDIUM Energy - 50-60% Active & 40-50% Relaxed/Observant

MEDIUM-HIGH Energy - 70-80% Active & 20-30% Relaxed/Observant

HIGH Energy - 90-100% Active & 0-10% Relaxed/Observant

* Active = Pacing/Squirming/Chewing/Busy/Not settled/Pawing/Jumping/Whining

* Relaxed/Observant = Sleeping/Laying down without fidgeting/Calm/Disengaged during Some Playtime/Patient/Quiet

** You Can have a Whiny dog that is Lower energy!

Whininess or Clinginess can be due to Personality or Pack Drive Level.

Whininess/Boredom can be linked to not only energy level but curiosity and the Prey Drive may have impact regarding that.

The Breeder Should be Able to Distinguish Between the Two and Clearly Describe the Energy Level & Personality of Each Puppy in Their Own Professional Opinion.

Personality IS Important and Can/May vary within Any Energy Level Category!

Be sure to ask about Personalities & Energy Levels Before choosing a puppy!

We Highly Recommend reading up on Puppy Energy, Drive & Temperaments to Help determine what You & Your Family Wants/Needs ❤️:

Below is a General Size Chart for Australian Shepherds:

Toy Australian Shepherd: 10”-14” & 10-25 lbs

Miniature Australian Shepherd: 14”-18” & 25-40 lbs

Standard Australian Shepherd: 18"+ & 35+ lbs

Below is a General Size Chart for Australian Shepherds:

Toy Australian Shepherd: 10”-14” & 10-25 lbs

Miniature Australian Shepherd: 14”-18” & 25-40 lbs

Standard Australian Shepherd: 18"+ & 35+ lbs

Frequently Asked Questions:

What are L.L.A's Prices?

L.L.A can provide General Pricing* & Inclusions for Unborn Puppies & Puppies UNDER 7 Weeks of Age.

We do Not have access to Individual Puppy Prices until they are Fully Evaluated both Mentally & Physically.

BEFORE Individual Pricing is Established at 7+ Weeks of Age All of our puppies are:

- Seen by a Licensed Veterinarian

- Evaluated using Volhard Aptitude Testing

- Evaluated using Volhard Personality Testing (to determine Preliminary Drive Levels)

- Evaluated using our proprietary Energy Level Breakdown Chart (See our Home Page)

Then we provide a thorough Litter Email containing all of the results, a Litter Dropbox Link with Current Photos and More to Help Families make the BEST & Most Informed Choice for them & their Lifestyle. 🥰

*General Pricing & Inclusions may be updated after every Season or every few Years; Due to this we only send General Pricing Privately via Email or Social Media Messages.

Would L.L.A Allow or Advise families getting 2 Puppies from a Breeder??

You can get 2 puppies from a breeder if you’d like...BUT, Be sure to look into LitterMate Syndrome!

Littermate Syndrome is the INTENSE bonding of 2 puppies/dogs, Normally adopted from the same litter, similar in age or commonly within 1 Year of each other Can suffer from this. However, littermate syndrome Can occasionally happen with dogs further apart in age as well.

Littermate Syndrome CAN occur with non-related dogs!

It is Always important to spend at Least 1-2 Hours of INDIVIDUAL time (Training, going out, socializing OR working on Independence Time, etc.) PER dog/puppy PER DAY.

Plus, Crating dogs/puppies Separately Every Night.

Preventing LitterMate Syndrome can be as Simple as:

1. Group outings, snuggles and play all as a family

2. Ensuring every Independence Time (2-3x Daily) the pups/dogs are in Separate pens

3. Crating separately at night

4. Taking 1 Hour Per Day to Focus on ONE dog/pup at a time — However, it is Still important that on days where it’s Possible (3-7x a Week), families make those 1-on-1 times special and impactful to increase Bonding between the pups/dogs & their People.

Helpful Tip: You can even alternate days for your pets! Example, Sammy gets 1-on-1 time Mon & Wed but Jake gets 1-on-1 time on Tues & Thur each week and Fri-Sun is family time aside from the already established Independence Time & Nighttime 🥰🙃

Dogs with LMS get severe anxiety, depression, etc. and can chew threw walls (if bad enough) to get to the other dog.

It is Completely Preventable if you have the time and knowledge — Many people do not even know about it so researching gets you ahead of the game 😉❤️

More Frequently Asked Questions? Visit our F.A.Q's page!

Fun Fact:

Australian Shepherds are a versatile Breed, however,

their Main purpose is to Guard Livestock, their Family & their Property.

Because of this, Australian Shepherds of ALL Sizes are Instinctively Apprehensive of Strange Animals & People (Occasionally labeled as "Shy")

— Trust Must Be Earned but once it is this Breed is Loyal to a Fault 🥰

To have a Balanced Aussie & Reduce Apprehension, it is paramount to Socialize your Aussie as a puppy OFTEN and to expose them to as many people and situations as possible (in a POSITIVE way).

This Socialization, Desensitization & Stimulation (Sensory, Mentally & Physically) should Continue well past 2 Years of Age to Avoid any Regression.

Hours of Operation:

Mon – Thurs — Hours Vary

Fri – Sat — Open for Pick-Up or Meet & Greet's Only

Sunday — Closed

Phone Hours: Tues., Wed. & Thurs. — Hours Vary

(if available)

Grants Pass, OR, USA

Located in:

Manteca, Ca

Manteca, CA, USA

A Few Affiliates / Partners:

Colored Coat Creative Logo

A Few "Excellent"

Breeder Certifications:

A Few Affiliates / Partners:

Colored Coat Creative Logo

A Few Excellent Breeder Certifications:

Located In:

Manteca, California

Manteca, CA, USA
Grants Pass, OR, USA

Hours of Operation:

Mon – Thurs — Hours Vary

Fri – Sat — Open for Pick-Up or Meet & Greet's Only

Sunday — Closed

Phone Hours: Mon - Fri — 7:00AM – 7:00PM

(If Available!)